Archaeons by Alison Knox
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This recording was made at a public Mind Body Spirit event on 17th May 2008, the quality of the recording may not be perfect but I felt it important to share this just as it was delivered with no technical enhancement. The recording is approx 45 minutes long and delivers my typical style of personal expression relating to the Spiritual events I have experienced. Please use your own discernment in relation to your understanding and acceptance

Click on the play button to listen the the talk online (lower quality) or right-click here and click "Save Target As.." to download a higher quality recording.

You may freely share or circulate this information as long as the contents are not changed in any way and context is upheld. All material is the Copyright of Alison Knox of Everyday Angels/Archaeons 2007 and appropriate attribution should be made to it’s provenance. All intellectual property is protected by Law and Karma! Thank you for helping to spread the Light!